
Very Bad Spies (short story 21, part 2)

Over a year ago, as an exercise, I started writing one short story a week. This was something Harlan Ellison (I think) suggested to one of his fans, his reasoning being "You can't write 52 bad short stories in a row." I'm not sure about that, but here's one of those stories.

This one is so long it's broken into parts. Inspired by Get Smart and Chuck, it features the competing spy agencies DORHq (pronounced dork), for Domestic Operations and Reconnaissance Headquarters, SESI (pronounced sissy), for Secret Evil Spies Incorporated, and CHUMPS, for Chinese Underground Mobile Precinct of Spies. There's even a short webseries Tam's World featuring some of the characters (see this blog for more information or this youtube channel).
This is a continuation of part 1.


Tam and Athena, wearing a animal-themed backpack, enter the building with white siding that bears a DORHq insignia.

She makes her way through the lobby, takes the elevator with happy music to an upper floor, gets out, walks over to a nearby doorframe and knocks. A name plaque mounted on the wall in the hallway says
Special Agent Freeman Penn

Freeman waves her in Tam and Athena enter. “Last time I saw you, you were a guard in the Annapolis Miniature Art Museum. From museum guard to DORHq Special Agent, how did you do that?” Tam asks.

Large office lined with bookshelves, a desk with a computer screen, and several chairs. A brass “Special Agent Freeman Penn” plaque is on his desk. Freeman is working at his desk. “My animal magnetism. It’s a gift. How do you like your uncle’s new office, Athena honey?”

“It’s okay. Do you have a gun? Tam doesn’t,” Athena says dismissively.

“Gun?” In his best Yosemite Sam voice, Freeman says “Why, Pumpkin, your Uncle’s the most rootin-est, tootin-est sharp-shooter this side of the Mississippi.”

Athena laughs and hugs Freeman. “You’re the best uncle in the world.”

“I need help finding a stolen laptop,” Tam says.

“I’m planning a recon op on SESI headquarters right now, sweetie.”

“I want to get out of going to school. We have a field trip to the Zoo, and I just went last week,” Athena says.

“Well sweetie, you could go with me on Operation Mr Blue, our next recon op. I could disguise it as a Secret Agent Junior High field trip. How’s that sound?” Freeman asks.

“Sounds cool" Athena says. "What do you want me to do?”

“You’ll pretend you’re a junior high school student who wants a tour of the SESI Headquarters for a school project.”

“That’s all?”

“The rest of the time, you’ll do your homework. Tam, how about you?” Freeman asks.

“I don’t go to school, so I don't have any homework,” Tam says.

“I mean, can you go with us?”

“Sure. Maybe I can get some information I can use to find that laptop.”

“You go with Gonzo and Jupe on Team B.”

“Sounds good. Do you remember Chance?” Tam asks.

“Like a bad dream. What a sleazeball,” Freeman says with a snort.

“He’s my boyfriend now.”

“He might have some redeeming qualities, I suppose,” he backpeddles.

“His real name is Dmitrii. He’s actually a SESI Agent.”

“Torture and death would be too good for him.”

“I flipped him. Now he’s a DORHq double agent.”

“I suppose I could learn to like the guy.”

“SESI has created the world’s worst cell-phone virus. The source code is stored in Dmitrii’s laptop."

“Is that good or bad?”

“Bad. It was stolen. I need help getting that laptop, Uncle Freeman.”

“I’ll help all I can.”

“Why not ask Dmitrii?” Athena asks.

“He’ll be killed if he’s caught helping me, Athena. Uncle, can you spare anyone else? How about the Mustardmans?”

“Oh gawd no, anyone but the Mustardmans,” Freeman says.


This is continued here: part 3.

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